Michelle Cutler
B.A. University of Florida
M.A. University of Tennessee
Ph.D. University of Georgia
Head of School
Previously, Cutler was a Special Projects Coordinator at the University of Tennessee, where she facilitated interdisciplinary graduate training in audiology, speech pathology, and education. Her clinical expertise spans a wide range of populations, from NICU patients to geriatric care, across medical and educational settings.
Cutler earned her B.A. in Audiology and Speech Pathology from the University of Florida, an M.A. in Audiology from the University of Tennessee, and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Her research focuses on pediatric cochlear implantation, including specialized training at the University of Miami Medical School. A certified audiologist (ASHA), she has presented at numerous national and international conferences, including the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the American Montessori Society, and the International Symposium of the Verbotonal System in Croatia.

Joe Hulsey
B.S. Georgia Southern University
M.A. Armstrong State College
Associate Head of School
Upper School History Teacher
Hulsey has presented several seminars on school safety to South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) heads of school. He has also served on multiple accreditation teams throughout the state.
Hulsey received a BA in history from Armstrong Atlantic State University and a MEd from Georgia Southern University. He has extensive coursework in school administration, teacher support and gifted education.
Hulsey is an ordained pastor serving youth and college age students. Having moved to the Mauldin area, he now attends Rocky Creek Church (SBC). Hulsey has served as a Sunday school teacher, AWANA leader, and deacon.
Hulsey is married to Marcy and they have 2 grown sons, Joseph and Josiah.
“While I have greatly enjoyed teaching at Anderson Christian School the last two years, I look forward to taking over leadership of ACS this summer. The last two years of teaching has allowed me to get to know the school, its culture, and its people. This knowledge will make the transition much easier and I look forward to continuing the wonderful work of Dr. Cutler and others.”

Josh Hicks
B.S. Francis Marion University
M.O.L. Anderson University (in progress)
Upper School Principal and Math Teacher
Hicks has taught multiple subjects throughout his career including math, physics, US History, Bible, robotics, Lego lab, technology and woodshop. Since 2003, Hicks has coordinated technology in the schools. In 2010, he was named the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) Middle School Teacher of the Year.
Hicks received a BS in elementary education with a collateral in math from Frances Marion University and will complete a Masters of Organizational Leadership from Anderson University in May.
Hicks is an active member of the Church of the Ascension where he serves on the leadership council and now serves in the vestry. Hicks has served as a Sunday school teacher for children and youth since he was 19 years old and has run AV in churches since 2012.
Hulsey is married to Erin and they have 6 children, 3 girls followed by 3 boys.
“I am excited to be a part of the administrative team of Anderson Christian School as the Upper School Principal and IT Coordinator. I love seeing how God is working in our school and the lives of our students.”

Kim Frost
B.A. Newberry College
M.A. Cambridge College
Elementary Principal
Frost taught 5th grade at ACS for 2 years and was named as the first ACS elementary principal in the fall of 2023. She works as the elementary principal 3 days a week.
Frost received a BA in elementary education from Newberry College and a MA in school administration from Cambridge College. In 2001, she earned National Board Certification in early childhood. Frost has extensive training in Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma Informed Practices, Engage with Compassion, and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports.
Frost is an active member of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church where she serves on the Altar Guide and as Lay Reader. She is a member of The Order of Daughters of the King, an organization dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism. She has served as a previous President and Chaplin in the Order of St. Alban’s Church in Lexington, SC.
Frost has children and 2 grandchildren.
“At Anderson Christian School, I am able to connect my educational experiences with my deep faith and love of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I get the privilege of helping children grow both academically and spiritually. It is through prayer, study of God’s word and service to others that I live my life. It is my honor to serve and work alongside parents, students, and teachers all while sharing and demonstrating my faith.”