Anderson Christian School provides students with a challenging college preparatory curriculum, taught by qualified and experienced Christian instructors with the aim of preparing graduates for a successful future. Our courses, from pre-school through twelfth grade, provide students with relevant, hands on lessons that engage them on their level and inspire them to learn.

At ACS, we strive to prepare students with practical knowledge and the technical tools they need to succeed in today’s society. With that in mind, we incorporate technology into the classroom whenever possible. From elementary through high school, our students take courses ranging from typing to the Fundamentals of Computing. Additionally, our elementary students use classroom Chromebooks and our middle and high school students complete the majority of their schoolwork, both in class and at home, using Chromebooks. We want our students to be well-versed in the technological practice they will need to succeed in the future.

At ACS, we believe that our faith should be central to all that we do, and that is evidenced in the classroom. Our instructors are passionate about their faith, teaching every subject from a biblical perspective. Bible class is not an addendum to our course offerings comparable to a philosophy class; it is a core class that impacts students day in and out, as vital to their education as Math or English. In our program, students are introduced to the Gospel at a young age, memorizing and applying the truths they learn in class. As they progress into high school, students are offered experiential courses in apologetics and biblical marriage and family, building on the foundations they have established throughout their time at ACS.

Core Courses
We offer students core courses in English, Science, History, and Math that prepare them for post-graduate education. In these courses, students learn to utilize their logical, critical thinking, and communication skills as they analyze texts, solve problems, and learn how to research properly. Rather than only observing lectures by ACS teachers, students are active participants in the classroom, frequently performing experiments in our laboratory facilities, presenting research, and participating in group discussions. The skills learned in our foundational courses are critical, no matter what field a student chooses to enter upon graduation.

Foreign Language
We are happy to offer students multiple options for their foreign language studies. Whether they choose to take Spanish, French, sign language, or some combination of the three, ACS students learn to speak, write, and understand the language from professors well-versed in their culture and context. We begin introducing our students to foreign languages at a young age, with weekly Spanish lessons that teach them about Latin culture and language. In middle school, students are offered course in Spanish, and can continue by taking Spanish or French in high school.

Fine Arts
We desire for our students to be well-rounded and to provide them an opportunity to engage with fine arts and culture. Middle and high students have the opportunity to participate in chapel band, theatrical performances, and photography. Students in grades 1st through 7th attend weekly art and music classes for which they receive academic credit. These classes allow them to unlock their creativity, appreciate art and music with their peers, and showcase their work through galas and performances.

We want all of our students to excel in their academic pursuits, so we offer tutoring services to any student who needs help outside of the classroom. All of our teachers in grades K5-12th have set aside days and times to tutor students for up to 1/2 hour without charge. If a student requires more time, our teachers are happy to assist, with a tutorial charge of $25.00 an hour. Additionally, many of our high school Beta Club members offer tutoring sessions for $10.00 an hour. Please contact Mrs. Coley, Beta Club advisor, Dr. Cutler, ACS Administrator for tutor recommendations based on your subject area of need.
Preschool Day
Early Arrival 7:30 AM
Full Day 8:20 AM – 11:45 AM
Kingdom Kids offered beginning at 11:45 until 5:30 p.m.
(No extra charge for full-time students)
Kindergarten Day
Early Arrival 7:30 AM
Full Day 8:00 AM – 2:40 PM
Kingdom Kids offered beginning at 2:40 PM until 5:30 PM
Elementary Day
Early Arrival 7:30 AM
Full Day 8:00 AM – 2:50 PM
Wednesday Late In 9:00 AM – 2:50 PM
Kingdom Kids offered beginning at 2:50 PM until 5:30 PM
Upper School Day
Early Arrival 7:30 AM
Full Day 8:00 AM – 3:19 PM
Wednesday Late In 9:00 AM – 3:19 PM
Kingdom Kids offered beginning at 3:19 PM until 5:30 PM